Should I Golf Left Or Right Handed?


Choosing whether to golf left or right-handed is a common dilemma faced by many golfers, especially beginners. While the decision ultimately comes down to personal preference, there are several factors to consider that can help make the choice easier.

First and foremost, it’s crucial to understand that the dominant hand should be the guiding factor in determining which hand to golf with. A right-handed person typically has more strength and dexterity in their right hand, while a left-handed person has more in their left hand. Therefore, it is generally recommended to golf with the hand that feels more comfortable and natural as the dominant hand will have better control over the swing.

However, if you are ambidextrous or unsure of your dominant hand, there are other considerations to take into account. One such consideration is the availability of equipment. Left-handed golf clubs might be harder to come by, especially when it comes to trying out different models and brands. If you are left-handed and find it challenging to find left-handed clubs, it might be more practical to consider playing right-handed.

Another factor to consider is the influence of the dominant eye. While it is not as well-known as hand dominance, eye dominance can play a significant role in golf. As golf is a precise sport that requires aligning the clubface with the target, the dominant eye is responsible for aiming and focusing. If your dominant eye is the opposite of your dominant hand, it might feel more natural to golf with the non-dominant hand. To determine eye dominance, there are simple tests you can perform, such as pointing to an object with both eyes open and closing one eye at a time. The eye that stays fixed on the object is your dominant eye.

Furthermore, it is essential to consider the physical aspects of your body. Golf is a sport that requires coordination, balance, and strength. Specific physical characteristics might affect your ability to golf with one hand over the other. For instance, if you have more strength in your left arm, it might be easier for you to swing the club from the left side. On the other hand, if you have better balance and coordination on your right side, golfing right-handed might be the better option.

Lastly, learning from others can provide valuable insights. Observe golfers who are of similar build, height, and swing style to see how they position themselves on the course. While it is not necessary to emulate their choice, it can provide you with an understanding of the possibilities and what may work best for you.

Ultimately, the choice between golfing left or right-handed should be based on personal comfort and what feels natural to you. It is recommended to try out both options, perhaps by borrowing clubs or taking lessons from a professional, before making a final decision. It is also worth noting that switching hands later on can be challenging, so taking the time to choose the right hand from the beginning can save you much trouble and frustration down the road.

In conclusion, the decision to golf left or right-handed is subjective and heavily dependent on personal factors such as hand dominance, eye dominance, physical characteristics, and comfort. It is essential to take multiple factors into consideration and experiment with both options before settling on one. By making an informed decision, you can set yourself up for success and an enjoyable golfing experience.



