Can I Golf With Covid?


The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted various aspects of our lives, including our ability to participate in recreational activities. Many individuals who enjoy golfing, for instance, may be wondering if it is safe to golf during a pandemic. While it is important to prioritize health and safety, golfing can be a relatively low-risk activity if proper precautions are taken.

Golf is an outdoor sport that naturally promotes social distancing. Unlike other team sports that involve close contact, golf allows players to maintain a safe distance from one another throughout the game. This feature of golf makes it well-suited for the current situation, as social distancing remains a crucial preventive measure against the transmission of the virus.

However, it is important to note that golfing during the pandemic requires adherence to certain guidelines and protocols to ensure everyone’s safety. Below are some key considerations for golfing during COVID-19:

1. Follow Local Guidelines: Before heading out to the golf course, familiarize yourself with the rules and regulations set by local authorities. Different regions may have varying guidelines regarding outdoor activities, including golf. Stay informed about any restrictions or limitations in your area and abide by them.

2. Practice Social Distancing: Maintain a distance of at least six feet from others at all times, both on the course and in common areas such as the clubhouse or practice facilities. Avoid handshakes or any other physical contact with fellow players or staff members. Additionally, be mindful of congestion points, such as tee boxes and greens, and wait for others to clear the area before proceeding.

3. Limit Group Size: Respect any restrictions on the number of players allowed in a group. Many golf courses have enforced limits to ensure social distancing is maintained. If playing with others, keep the group size small, ideally within the recommended number set by local guidelines.

4. Sanitize Equipment: Regularly clean and sanitize your golf clubs, golf balls, and any other equipment you use. Avoid sharing equipment with others, and if you must share, sanitize them thoroughly before and after each use. Consider carrying hand sanitizer in your bag and use it frequently, especially after touching common surfaces like flagsticks or benches.

5. Change Your Routine: Adapt your golfing routine to reduce the risk of exposure. For example, consider walking the course instead of using a golf cart to avoid close contact with others. If using a golf cart is necessary or preferred, check with the course to ensure proper sanitization protocols are in place. Additionally, avoid crowded practice areas and use your own golf balls instead of using any on-site communal buckets.

6. Wear a Mask: While playing golf, wearing a mask may not be necessary due to the outdoor setting and ability to maintain social distance. However, it is important to have a mask readily available to wear in areas where social distancing becomes challenging, such as in the clubhouse, pro shop, or restrooms. Follow the specific guidelines provided by the course regarding mask usage.

7. Stay Home if Unwell: If you are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 or have been in contact with someone who tested positive, it is crucial to stay home and refrain from golfing. Putting others at risk is not only irresponsible but also goes against the efforts we must all make to control the spread of the virus.

In conclusion, golfing during the COVID-19 pandemic can be done safely by following the necessary precautions and guidelines. As an outdoor sport that allows for social distancing, golf offers a relatively low-risk recreational activity. However, it is essential to stay informed about local guidelines, practice good hygiene, and prioritize the health and safety of yourself and others. By taking these precautions, golfers can enjoy the game they love while minimizing the risks associated with the ongoing pandemic.



